Aug 29, 2009

I just added a portfolio portion to my web real estate, to the left.

thanks for looking

-Trey b


danny robbins said...

The painting of the jungle gym is really nice. I'm curious about the split on the left; was the piece done in a sketchbook or on 2 panels?

Nice work, man.


TREY BRYAN said...


nice to hear from you! Thanks for the compliments. All the paintings are on custom cradled wood peices that I build for certain spots. I added on the left piece to the playground when I changed my mind about the composition. All the paintings are painted from life.

Hope to hear from you soon.

-Trey b

danny robbins said...

Good judgement on the composition; seeing the entire jungle gym is much more interesting because it gives a better sense of the surroundings, which seems to me is the entire reason for the painting. I also particularly enjoy the trees on the left. Posting the sizes of the paintings really helps to give the viewer a better idea of the original work. Also, just a piece of advice, the professional standard for listing sizes of paintings is height x length, not length x height.
About how long do these larger (4'x4') paintings take you?

Anxious to see more.
